Wesley Girls Gifty Dedo Nyarko was phenomenal for her side but couldn’t connect when it counted as Aggrey Memorial stunned the young girls in green over the weekend in the 2010 Central regional Sprite Ball Championship.

The final year student of the twice National Champions produced an eye-catching display for her school at the Schools and Colleges but left the venue in tears after they felled to a well-disciplined Aggrey Memorial Girls who looked extremely determined for the fixture during the knockout phase of the competition.

Despite the inability of Wesley Girls to qualify for the grand finale for the first time, her blistering performance will never go unnoticed. She was a delight to watch as she combined effectively with highly improved and ‘smallish’ Correta Hanson.

She managed to bag in over 20 points in the competition, 5 rebounds and was the pivot around which the team evolved.

But her side went temporary dead and that caused them greatly in their opening round robin game against the defending regional Champions.

Incidentally it was the second time the two sides were meeting in two years and clearly it’s now turning out to be an ‘easy’ one for Aggrey who seems to have found the antidote to the onslaught and power play of Coach Ato Micah’s young charges.

‘It’s been really difficult for us and I’m disappointed we couldn’t qualify for the grand finale. I think we just lost concentration in our first game with Aggrey and that really cost us greatly’. Nyarko told basketballghana.com

‘We were cruising in our game against Insaaniya and I think we should have taking advantage of our early insurgence and take a commanding lead. But we once again allowed them to claw back and that really undone us’.

She added: We’re very sad and it you could see how some of my colleagues were sharing tears. It shows you how disappointed for us but we’re mentally strong and we’ll fight back. We live to fight another day.

Sprite Ball Championship 2010 is brought to you by Sprite, Freedom from thirst and supported by Indomie Instant Noodles- tastes great and DDP Outdoor. Media partners TV Africa, Graphic Sports, Today’s news paper, Ghana sports news paper and powered by Rite Multimedia- Leaders in basketball development & promotion in Ghana.

By: Patrick Akoto


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