Burma camp trainer Raymond Maha has described as ‘ridiculously fictitious and insulting’ claims that he fielded over-aged players during their opening Indomie Community Dunks game against Ridge.

Burma camp’s 43-20 victory over their opponent was overshadowed by widespread believe among the fans that most his players were beyond the age-limit.

Critics say their aggressive and robust display against the diminutive looking Ridge side was enough evidence of their suspicion that the players he used were above 15.

But Maha has launched a scathing rebuttal at such stories and says his team will not be distracted by such comments.

“I don’t know where all these theories and stories are coming from. They are baseless, unfounded, insulting and hypocritical to say the least,” Maha said

“The players submitted their birth certificate during the screening process and so I am at a loss as to why people will start making such claims,”

“You were here and saw the players. Are these 17, or 18 or 20 aged players? People should stop these talk and accept defeat in good faith,”

“We are not going to be distracted by these reports and continue with our determination of winning the trophy.”

The 2012 edition of the Community Dunks is restricted to players below the ages of 15.

The thorny issue of age-cheating is prevalent not only in Ghana but on the continent and followers fear the creeping phenomenon could kill the systematic development of the game in the developing country.



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