


The newly built Trust Sports Emporium features a basketball court among the array of facilities including an Olympic size swimming pool available at the brand new edifice in Bukoum-a suburb in Ghana’s capital, Accra.

Adding the court to the list of venues in the capital comes at a time where basketball teams and players need modern facilities to play games. With most venues in the city and country at large, in need of major upgrades, providing a venue like this will solve a lot of headaches associated that come with finding the perfect spot to host games.

Earlier this year, two basketball courts were constructed at the Cape-Coast Stadium to ease pressure on the few courts available in Ghana’s Central regional capital, Cape-Coast. The edifice has been put to use since it was open to the public, most noticeably during the annual Afer7 Cowbell Fetu Afahy3 Basketball Tournament in September.

Greater Accra regional select sides in both male and female divisions emerged champions in the competition.

Despite, the increasing number of courts in Ghana, none are built indoors rendering the edifice at the mercy of the weather. It also means Ghana still cannot host FIBA related tournaments any time soon.


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