By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@ YawMintYM on Twitter

Rite Sports Limited CEO Yaw Sakyi Afari.

Honorable Asiamah.
Sprite Ball is Ghana’s most prestigious tournament.

Award winning sports firm Rite Sports Limited and veteran broadcaster Yaw Sakyi Afari got mentions at the Ministerial Vetting of Youth and Sports Minister Designate Isaac Asiamah earlier today.

The Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponua who has been earmarked for one of Ghana’s most highly sought after political seats.

Afari, who doubles as Chief Executive Officer of Rite Sports, came up for discussion after Minority Leader in Parliament Haruna Iddrisu asked the Minister Designate what he has in mind to help individuals like the affable broadcaster and entrepreneur develop basketball in the country.

Honorable Asiamah said a “special desk” will be created to cater to all sports federations in response to the question.

Afari through Rite Sports Limited has been at the fore front of basketball’s resurgence in Ghana through youth driven programs including the Sprite Ball Championship, Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship and High School and College Draft.

The company successfully organized the tenth anniversary edition of Sprite Ball late last year; the program is Ghana’s most prestigious high school basketball tournament.

On February 17, the UPAC Championship tips off at the University of Ghana.


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