
Basketballghana.com can confirm multiple time award winning musician Edem will perform at the Basketball Honours event later this month.

The Awards Scheme is scheduled to take place at the Accra Metropolitan Assembly [AMA] on Friday, June 17 under the theme ‘Celebrating Players, Coaches, Teams, Groups and Organizations for their outstanding performances and contributions to the sport’.

The program is intended to recognize the efforts of individuals and bodies that made RITE Sports Limited basketball events [Sprite Ball Xpressions and UPAC] successful over the years.

2015 Best International Act-Africa at the Black Canadian Award winner Edem is expected to perform a handful of his hit songs including ‘Over Again’, ‘Nyedzilo’ and ‘Nyornuviade’.


A former student of Bishop Herman College, Edem has made regular appearances at Sprite Ball Xpressions cheering his Alma Mater from the side lines.

Sprite Ball is Ghana’s biggest High School Basketball competition and the UPAC [Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges] Basketball Championship is the biggest at the tertiary level.

Osu PRESEC [green] V Bishop Herman at 2019 Sprite Ball

Dignitaries including Education institution Leaders and Department Heads, former student athletes and Coaches are expected to grace the program.

By Yaw AdjeiMintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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