Home supports are always crucial in every tournament and so the level of support that will be enjoyed by the host side will play a critical role in how far they’ll go in the one-day competition in the Brong Ahafo regional capital of Sunyani

The Sunyani Senior High school will be the venue for what is expected to draw the biggest basketball fans on Friday as sixteen teams gather loins to take part in the high-status 2010 Sprite Ball Championship.

The host are  a well-drilled side that have earned massive reviews in the region for their startling performance in the inter-schools competition over the years and their quest to assert their authority on Friday will be put to severe test from the other participating schools who’re bent on booking a ticket to the grand finale in Accra in two month’s time.

They will be hoping they won’t be unlucky as Mawuko Girls who offered all the unwavering supports to their side but ended up placing a parlous fourth position.-  killing off their quest to make the final grade.. Quite clearly it was massive support, unrewarded performance.

And that is what Susec will be hoping to avoid on Friday when they attempt to win the title for the first time.

Sprite Ball Championship 2010 is brought to you by Sprite, Sprite your thirst and supported by Indomie Instant Noodles- tastes great and DDP Outdoor. Media partners TV Africa, and Graphic Sports. Sprite Ball 2010 Championship is powered by Rite Multimedia.


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