It’s new, engaging, unprecedented, fun and excitements. These are just few words to describe the upcoming innovation dubbed ‘ The Basketball Show’ expected to be aired on television next year.

The past seven years has seen a massive revolution of the sports whose patronage had sunk to an all-time low in Ghana.

Basketball was unattractive largely due to the lack of financial warchest needed to organize big game shows in the country.

Players, coaches and fans were left in the cooler as they struggled for attention despite the huge number of talents available in the West African country.

But an Accra-based event firm, Rite Multimedia, came into the picture in 2007 and brought life into the dying sport.

Led by young entrepreneur Yaw Sakyi Afari and his team of dedicated and ambitious  men and women,they  brainstormed on ways to make the sport popular and by dints of hard slog and determination, today the game is widely regarded as the country’s second most preferred sports.

For the past five years, fans have been treated to great basketball games covering the entire educational sector and the communities.

Brands like the Milo Junior Ball, High School Ball (Sprite Ball), Community Dunks, Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) basketball have complimented competitions such as the Greater Accra Basketball series and the annual Cabalan Thomme Championship.

Today, many basketball players have shown up with such extraordinary athletic ability that have changed the game.

Fans, players, coaches and casual observers are beginning to take notice and rave about the physical prowess of this new specimen.

Many players have shown up and altered the landscape, all helping to develop and promote the game in the best possible way.

It is on this backdrop, that Rite Multimedia, will from February, 2013 will roll out an exciting brand new television programme intended to educate and reward followers of the game in Ghana.

As part of plans leading to the start of the quiz show designed to test people’s knowledge and understanding of the game, an SMS platform has been launched to provide daily news updates of the game in Ghana and beyond to the general public.

Majority of the questions to be answered on the show will be derived from the news that will be churned out to the public through the SMS.

The mind-engaging exercise is expected to broaden people’s knowledge of the game while rewarding them for their unflinching support to the sport.

Team news, major signings, injuries, past and present events, sponsorships amongst others will be provided to the general public.

Fans are therefore entreated to text BB to short code 1907 (MTN, Vodafone and Airtel) to get regular updates for only 10 pesewas.


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