
Zenith University College completed a miserable campaign by going winless in the just ended Zone F qualifiers of the 2016 Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship which took place at Accra Polytechnic.

The team, though not a dark horse contender like it was last year, was expected to win games against debutants Valley View University and Blue Crest College in the zone. However, Zenith surprisingly lost against both teams.

In the their first matchup, Zenith faced off against Blue Crest College in what turned out to be a drab, unentertaining and poor game that ended in a 19-18 win for Blue crest. Valley View University compounded the woes of the Labadi-based side as they outlasted them in overtime to record a 37-31 win.


Valley View’s win came after Zenith had lost 33-44 to hosts and defending champions Accra Polytechnic. Remnants of last year’s team that made it out of the group stage Ekow Abaidor, Franklyn Edem and Joseph Sena could not steer Zenith from another debacle of a campaign.

Precisely a week ago, the team crashed out of the Private Universities Students Association Games (PUSAG) basketball competition in similar fashion by failing to make it out of the group stages. The abysmal performance in the competition was highlighted by a mind boggling 4-41 loss to Evangelical Presbyterian University College.

Zenith aside, each team in Zone F registered a win in the competition with Accra Poly winning all three, Valley View winning two and Blue Crest College winning one. Courtesy of topping the group, Accra Polytechnic qualified to the quarter finals which take place on April 14 at the University of Ghana.

The 2016 UPAC Championship is headlined by Rexona, supported by MTN, CAL Bank and Fanyogo in partnership with Basketballghana.com, TV3, YFM and Ghana Sports Newspaper.


  1. kudos to A poly for such an outstanding breakthrough. I think they should work hard since this adherence to the traditional creed of always qualifying in the group stages might not be a guarantee to qualifying in the next stage. to VVU I say good job and better luck next time. thank you


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