
University of Ghana (UG) Forward Maxwell Mod has laid waste to Marshalls University College’s title credentials by stating the latter isn’t a “competition” for the Meme Falconer-led side.

He made the statement in the aftermath of UG’s pulsating but narrow 31-29 win over Marshalls in the final game of Zone G preliminary qualifiers in the 2016 Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship.

Despite beating Marshalls, the rivalry between both institutions has not subsided with Marshalls Coach James Okine having a go at UG, stating their victory was down to missed chances on his team’s part.


Mod waded into the tough talk by saying, “We were supposed to blow them out but because of turnovers and some wrong decisions we made this what happened but Marshalls, they are not our competition”.

UG has been drawn in Group A in the quarter finals where they will play the likes of two-time winners and defending champions Accra Polytechnic and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).

Marshalls University is in Group B with University of Energy and Natural Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and Zone E champions Takoradi Polytechnic in the quarter finals.


The 2016 UPAC Championship is headlined by Rexona, supported by MTN, CAL Bank and Fanyogo in partnership with Basketballghana.com, TV3, Y FM and Ghana Sports Newspaper.


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