
The registration period for new players will come to a close later today in the Accra Basketball League (ABL) at the Lebanon House in Tudu, Accra. The midseason window which opened on Monday June 4, is to allow teams in the league register new players to compete in the second round of the season.

The window is however streamlined to cater to only teams in the Men’s Division II and Women’s Division. The men’s upper tier division is not included in the midseason recruitment period.

Teams interested in adding new players to their roster are required to among other conditions provide detailed information to the league board and show players have no association with another team competing in the league.


The second round will commence this week beginning with games in the Women’s Division.
Braves of Customs lead the way in the Women’s Division having won all five games played in the season. The defending champions look set to retain last year’s title on the back off dominating performances in games played thus far.

Adenta Leopards, like Braves are unbeaten in the Men’s Division II and lead the standings ahead of Junior Reformers of Prisons.


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