
Navy Coach Alexander Tindani has expressed his delight over a successful period as his side successfully registered new players. The team took advantage of the three day registration period which ended on Wednesday June 6 at the Lebanon Court in Tudu to get new players on the roster.

According to the veteran trainer, Navy has registered three players to improve the team which lost all five games in the first round. In an exclusive interview with, Tindani opined all three players have size and will play in the front court.


However, he conceded the new players are beginners and will need time to develop. His young Navy side got even younger with the new signees. He declined to name the players involved.

Navy will be looking for marked improvement in the second round of the season after a winless first round. Though the side is one of the most exciting sides in the women’s division, it is yet to result in wins. Bringing on board players with size can turn the side’s season around since the team falls behind the likes of Galaxy and Braves of Customs in that regard.

The second round tips off today at Prisons Court in Cantonments with home side Reformers taking on Air Force as Galaxy battles Fire Service.


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