

The newest most interesting feud in the NBA is between former Oklahoma City Thunder teammates Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant after Durant joined the Warriors on July 4th in free agency.

Durant didn’t call Westbrook to tell him he was leaving, instead simply sending a text message. Westbrook was reportedly “angry and hurt” by the decision, and both his press conference comments after his extension and his latest commercial along with some social media song choices hint at a relationship that wouldn’t be described as warm and fuzzy.

Durant, though, told folks at a Nike even in Austin, Texas this week that he and Westbrook are “still cool.”

Said Durant: “We’re still cool. We’re going to compete against each other at the highest level. We’re gonna have fun against each other. We’re still cool.”

Westbrook has said that they played together for so long you don’t just throw that relationship away… and yet the two have not talked yet, as to public knowledge. This thing doesn’t seem like Westbrook’s over it, nor should he be at this point. Even if Durant was completely within his rights to leave (which he was), Westbrook still gets to feel betrayed by that.

As for whether or not the two sides are “cool?”

I guess we’ll see the first time these two face off this season, starting on November 3

Courtesy: CBS Sports


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