Marshalls Coach James Okine with picks from last year’s High and College Draft.

Late Mathias Ocloo
Marshalls University College Male Basketball Team Coach James Okine has expressed his remorse following the untimely death of legendary Ghanaian basketball figure Matthias Ocloo, stating he was “shocked” to hear the news.

Ocloo passed away on February 16 and was 71.

Okine made the statement during an interview on trendy basketball TV program Courtside Show on Ghana channel Kwese Free Sport.

“I want to express my profound shock to hear the death of Mr. Matthias Ocloo and I send my heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the family and may his soul rest in peace” he said.

He went on to state Marshalls was heading to this year’s Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship to redeem itself after failing to qualify to the semifinals in last year’s edition. The side placed fourth in the 2015 Championship.

Marshalls has been drawn in Zone A alongside Ghana Technology University College, GIMPA and debutant Regional Maritime University College. Games were to tipoff on February 17 but the untimely death of Ocloo a day before meant fixtures had to be postponed.

Ocloo was a leading supervisor for the Championship.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@ YawMintYM on Twitter


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