Ghana Basketball President Addo Ashong (middle) at the 2020 UPAC Launch.

Chief Executive Officer of award winning sports firm Rite Sports Limited Yaw Sakyi Afari has called on the basketball fraternity to support Ghana Basketball Association (GBBA) Chairman David Addo Ashong.

GBBA Chairman Ashong

He made this call during a Question and Answer session recently where the long tenured media personality touched on varied issues.

Afari had strong words for folks who believe his background in basketball should keep on the periphery, encouraged all stakeholders in the sport to support the Association Chairman.

Rite Sports CEO Yaw Sakyi Afari

“I would prefer that we support David (Addo Ashong) with all the skills that we have so he can be successful so we can see the things we all desire. We don’t need a certain person to be in office before we can make those things happen it’s teamwork” he said.

David Addo Ashong has served as Chairman of the West African nation’s Basketball Association over seven years and doubles as a Lawyer.

Action in 2020 UPAC Zone 2

Rite Sports is responsible for huge Ghanaian basketball programs like the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Championship.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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