Lions posted a narrow 54-52 victory over Panthers in the first game of week 6 of the Greater Accra basketball league at the Prisons court on Friday.

It was a battle of equal as both sides exhibited enormous firepower and challenged for the ball like real men.

Premier Panthers had in their fold Ferranyi Olunlonyo who called out time on his early retirement from the game and produced some awe-inspiring moment in the game which caught the admiration of fans present.

The young basketball player guided Dansoman to third place in the community basketball tournament last year.

Elvis Pobi was a prickle in the flesh of Panthers with some breathtaking three pointers in a game which was watched by the top echelon of the Ghana Basketball Association. He was the three point expert for the team as his inspiration helped them to triumph narrowly. His epic performance sent a clear message that he was the most important player for the Ashaiman based side.

Elvis fired 50- and 60-foot passes through the air, catching teammates in strides for great field goals. He fired bullets through the maze of passes through Panther arms and legs for back-door field goals. He tossed lobs for jams. When Ferrani was chasing him down, trying to catch him on the break and pin the ball against the backboard, he deftly flipped the ball behind his back for Daitey to score.

Lions took the first quarter 16-9, lost the second quarter 0-3, lost grounds in the third quarter 26-22 before they regained the initiative in the fourth quarter 16-14 to win on the day.

It was a huge disappointment for the Tema based side who were looking forward to increase their point build up in the league.


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