Host Legon have passed the litmus test beating last year’s finalist Ridge 30-18 to book the group’s other semi-final slot on Saturday afternoon at the University of Ghana basketball court.

Playing with so much determination and adhering to strict instructions from young Coach David Bamfo Agyemang, the host were up to the task in the first quarter underlying their quest to ensure they stay in the competition with some sweet flowing and quick fast breaks.

Power forward Edem Quist was the start man for Legon on Saturday displaying sheer individual brilliance to silence the surge of Ridge who came into the game with so much hope.

What even makes their victory funny is the fact that the jerseys of the host arrived late resulting in the late start of the game.  Coach Braimah Lawah and his backroom staff complained and made several overtures to make Legon forfeit the match because they had not adhered to the rules of the game which abhors lateness.  

But in a rather shocking ruling, the authorities allowed Legon to play despite the fact they had reported on court late- a decision that didn’t go down well Coach Braimah Lawah and his backroom staff who protested vehemently.

It’s a result the Coach of CEPS will rue for many years to come after guiding the side to their first poor showing in Community Dunks. The players were left dejected

It was must win game for both sides since only a win could have secured them a place in the knockout stage and rightly so the game lived up to its billing.

The host started on a blistering note dictating the pace with power forward Quist the chief tormentor displaying sheer brilliance and adroitness on the court.

It was so clear Ridge lacked the character and attitude and Legon capitalized on that trait to hand them the painful defeat that dumps them out of the competition.

Legon qualifies alongside Kaneshie who tackle whipping boys James Town in the third game. But the outcome of that game won’t have any bearing on the groupings- meaning both sides are ‘ ‘home and dry

More to follow

Community Dunks is an initiative of Rite Multimedia and sponsored by Indomie with support from Metro TV.

By: Patrick Akoto


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