Debutant Teshie-Nungua produced another peerless display to book their semi-final ticket at the expense of a well-drilled Ashaiman side on Saturday.

Coach Joseph Ayizangah’s young charges have been superb at the University of Ghana basketball court humbling their opponent 38-22 to send the new comers into the knockout phase.

Power forward Awudu Josiah Rashed showed his prowess again with sublime piece of skills and dexterity to power his side into the semi-finals for the first in their maiden appearance- a feat that’s historic.

Eric Senoo, Baba Daniel Akayiba and Emmanuel Abani put up an inspiring display – making their opponent looked like mere ‘passengers’ in the game. Their telepathic understanding was delight to watch as they swinged from defense to attack with so much proficiency.

They took a commanding 19-7 lead in the first quarter but Ashaiman fought back bravely to close the gap at 23-17 in the second quarter.

It became a huge battle in the third quarter with both teams playing with fortitude and foresight but in the end it was Teshie-Nungua who triumphed 33-22 to send their bench into wild jubilation.

The group of death is now been put into perspective and with Cantonment yet to play Maamobi Nima one can expect another explosive encounter at the University of Ghana basketball court.

The side now joins Legon and Kaneshie as the qualifiers for the semi-finals next weekend.

 Community Dunks is an initiative of Rite Multimedia and sponsored by Indomie with support from Metro TV.

By: Patrick Akoto


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