Head coach of Kajebi Asatu, Daniel Akahoho, wants his side to go a step further in the 2010 Sprite Ball Championship after they negotiated their qualification into the grand-finale last year.

Kawsec placed third in 2009 at the Ho stadium after a stellar performance in the girls division and their boss wants a positive attitude going into the third edition on Saturday at the Mawuko Girls Senior High school.

The rainbow girls were a delight to watch as they displayed some incredible basketball skills and team spirit and if their performance last year is anything to go by then we should expects a totally transformed side this year.

The tough-talking coach says his young girls have learnt their lesson from the previous edition and will be among the key contenders for the title this year.

He says the female game in the West African country has grown tremendously and has set a modest target of making a huge impression in 2010.

Coach Akahoho told basketballghana.com: ‘We had many inexperienced players last year but I’m happy to say that they’ve matured into better players now and will give off their best on Saturday’.

‘We know the abilities of the other teams, but we’re also determined to go into the finals and at least secure a place in the grand finale in Accra in December. You look at the team and the major talking point among the girls is their quest to make the school proud and that sort of optimism and determination excites me a lot’.

Sprite Ball Championship 2010 is brought to you by Sprite, Sprite your thirst and supported by Indomie Instant Noodles- tastes great and DDP Outdoor. Media partners TV Africa and Graphic Sports.


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