
The 2016 Rexona Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship is set to take place between March 5 and April 16. Conversely, a series of warm up games for participating schools to fine tune their skills will precede the much awaited tournament.

Counting down to tip off later this month, takes a look Ghana Technology University College’s chances at claiming the biggest and best tertiary competition in Ghana.

The institution since changing its’ name from Ghana Telecom University College to its’ current name has over the years witnessed a change in fortunes as the the college has grown into one of the more visible institutions in the Greater Accra Region.

The team started brightly by defeating Pentecost University College in a warm up game prior to last year’s competition. However, they failed to show up for the main competition due to internal challenges.

Its’ excellence in telecommunications will be transferred should they finally manage to get their acts together for the upcoming competition.

The 2016 UPAC Basketball Championship is set to take place between March 5 and April 16 and is sponsored by the world’s best selling deodorant brand Rexona and supported by CAL Bank in partnership with media outlets including TV3, Starr FM and and Graphic Sports.


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