Blue Crest College basketball trainer Kofi Agyemang Kwarteng (Right) registered his pleasure following a successful technical meeting held at the Accra Sports Stadium on Wednesday February 17 prior to the commencement of the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship.

The 2016 UPAC Championship, headlined by Rexona, will take place from March 5-April 16 and have 28 tertiary institutions compete against each other in Ghana’s biggest tertiary basketball tournament.

The meeting was organized to address pertinent issues ahead of the tournament such as the eligibility of players set to play, filing of protests, key rules and regulations and other related information.

Speaking to, the young technical head said;

“I think it was very educative, I have been enlightened in certain aspects of the game. Basically what we have discussed is prior to the game itself, getting the student ready, registration, eligibility.”

“What actually is going to impact the team is the training and the coaching the players are to be taken through” he said when addressing whether the decisions agreed at the meeting will affect his team.


Blue Crest College will feature in Zone F against Accra Polytechnic, Zenith University College and Valley View University.

The 2016 UPAC Championship is supported by telecommunication giant MTN, Fanyogo and CAL Bank in partnership with media outlets including TV3, Y FM and and Graphic Sports.



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