
Wa Polytechnic will replace University of Development Studies (UDS-Tamale) in Group A of the 2016 Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges (UPAC) Basketball Championship quarter finals following UDS’ inability to compete in the Championship.

Zone B Champions UDS was scheduled to play defending champions Accra Polytechnic, University of Ghana and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in the quarter finals which will be staged at Accra Polytechnic on April 14 and April 15 at the University of Ghana.


The team, making its’ debut appearance in the Championship qualified from Zone A after beating Tamale Poytechnic 24-20 and Wa Polytechnic 31-21 to top Zone A. However, with few days to the commencement of the eagerly awaited knockout phase, the team will not be able to compete due to challenges beyond its control.

As such fellow debutants Wa Polytechnic, having placed second in the zone, will replace UDS in the competition.
Speaking to Basketballghana.com, Chief Executive Officer of Rite Sports Limited Yaw Sakyi Afari expressed his disappointment with the outcome of the situation but noted the setback wouldn’t affect plans for the final rounds of the competition.


The 2016 UPAC quarter final Group B will feature Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Energy and Natural Resource, Marshalls University College and Takoradi Polytechnic.

The 2016 UPAC Championship is headlined by Rexona, supported by MTN, CAL Bank and Fanyogo in partnership with Basketballghana.com, TV3, Y FM and Ghana Sports Newspaper.


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