
For the first time in many years, activities at the Tema Community 4 Basketball Court will be uninterrupted by darkness as bright lights now illuminate the playing area.

The renovated lighting system which was funded by National Democratic Congress Parliamentary Candidate for Tema Central Constituency, Ebi Bright, fits in with the prospective Parliamentarian’s ambition to develop the capacity of the youth through various activities including basketball in the constituency.

Tema’s Community League games stand to benefit immensely from the project as more games can be honored later in the day to prevent teams from playing in searing temperatures.

The charismatic aspirant’s efforts complement similar deeds by veteran players in the vicinity who teamed up to repaint the court and fix backboards earlier in the season.

Prior to the lights installation and improved wiring system, the court popularly known as the “Chinese Court” had grappled with visibility issues during late games for many years.

Postseason games between Community 12 and Flashlights of Tema New Town and Nungua Coldstore and Ashaiman Lions will be played at the court on Sunday October 26. Nungua and Flashlights hold 1-0 leads in their respective series matchups.




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