LeBron James is on record saying he wants to own an NBA team. He believes it would be nice to go from former NBA superstar to NBA owner similar to what Michael Jordan did with the Hornets.

In an interview with Ken Berger of The Athletic, James re-emphasized his desire to one day own an NBA team. If he did so he’d be the third big-name player to become at least a partial owner along with Shaquille O’Neal and Jordan. The only player to become a majority owner however is Jordan.

“Why do I want to own team? I think it’ll be cool. I’ll stay part of the game and still be able to put people in positions of power. I’ve always loved that, putting people in a position of power to feel like they can make a change and make things happen.”

This doesn’t seem like an in-the-moment idea from James. He legitimately wants to become an owner someday and continue to have his individual impact on the NBA. If James were to accomplish this then it would speak volumes to how successful the brands he’s created have become. It would also of course be another point of argument in the Jordan vs LeBron legacy arguments.

James is at a point in his career where he’s likely thinking of what’s going to come after it. At 32 years old he’s still playing an incredibly high level of basketball, but he has to know that eventually the end will come. It will be interesting to see what his goals are for after his career once retirement starts becoming a more realistic possibility.

Courtesy: CBS Sports


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