GBBA President Ato Van-Ess understands a basketball tournament featuring teams representing cities in Ghana will commence in the first week in September this year.

In an exclusive chat with Ghana Basketball Association (GBBA) President Ato Van-Ess, the period was highlighted as the point to start the games that served as a major activity on the basketball calendar years back.

GBBA President Van-Ess said this after witnessing the opening round of games in the 2022 Western Basketball Association (WBA) League Season in Takoradi.

GBBA President Ato Van-Ess addresses Players during Opening Ceremony

The first week in September we are having an intercity (games) where all the teams will bring their teams and form the intercity in Cape Coast” he stated as he touched on a wide range of matters on the WBA League and the Basketball calendar. (Click highlighted text to watch full interview)

TTU (blue) v Kings

President Van-Ess was present for the opening ceremony of the WBA League with WBA Chairman William Ocran and other Executives.

Lighters (blue) v Eff-Ess

Seven teams are competing in the 2022 Western League. The GBBA Executive Group led by Ato Van-Ess was voted into office in late 2021.

GBBA Executives From Left to Right: Vice President Alex Kukula, Van-Ess, treasurer Aurora Commodore-Toppar, Vice President Iddrissu Ayambire

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah

@YawMintYM on Twitter


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