Ghana Wheelchair Basketball Federation General Secretary Wilson Agbasi (left), Dr. Bitugu (right).

A special conference backed by Ghana’s Wheelchair Basketball Federation dubbed the International Capacity Conference is scheduled to be staged at the University Of Ghana (UG). The Conference will be held alongside the National Wheelchair Basketball Championship due to be held between July 10 and 18.

The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) and its African charter are official partners of the Championship and expected to have representatives at the event. gathers Chief Executive Officer of Sporting Inclusion UK and former Executive Secretary of UK Disabled People’s Council Jaspal Dhani and IWBF African Zone Shawn Moorgas are primed to make appearances at the event.

Ghana organizations including the Council on Persons with Disability, Paralympics Committee and Ministry of Youth and Sports are also partnering the much awaited event.

The competition is set to feature 20 male and female teams drawn from the country’s ten regions to play for the title and spots in Ghana’s National Teams.

Officials of Ghana’s Wheelchair Basketball Federation sealed the deal with UG’s top hierarchy including Director of Sports Dr. Bella Bello Bitugu earlier in the week.

By Yaw Adjei-Mintah
@ YawMintYM on Twitter


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